Friday 27 May 2016

Fun Sports with Reception 25.5.16

After a fantastic session with Miss Sophie on Monday, Year 6 were inspired to plan their own fun sports activities for reception class.  In the morning we worked in groups to plan the equipment we would need and the instructions for the activity.  In the afternoon the Year 6s set up and ran the activities - it was a great success!

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Sports Week 2016 - Fun Day with Miss Sophie - 23.5.16

Today we had a great morning with Miss Sophie to kick-off sports week.  Miss Sophie had planned and set up various fun sporting activities for us to try across the morning.  It was great fun!

Tuesday 17 May 2016

End of SATs 2016 doughnuts

The year 6s have been working very hard in the lead up to their Reading, SPAG and Maths assessments and this week were able to put all that hard work into action. They showed great resilience and focus to complete some challenging assessments - everyone at the school is very proud of the effort they have put in!  To celebrate the end of the tests, Mr Burton very kindly bought the special 'SATs recipe' doughnuts for us all to enjoy.

As we move into term 6 we will be focusing on being a prepared as possible for secondary school both in our learning and emotionally!

Well Done Year 6!