Friday 10 October 2014

Making a Viking Helmet and writing instructions 10.10.14

We have been learning about writing instruction in our literacy sessions.  To help us write our own instructions we made Viking Helmets.  As we made our helmets, we wrote notes to help write a full set of instructions.  We also shown great partnership, helping each other to measure, hold and stick.

Friday 3 October 2014

Black History Week at Cabot 3.10.14

We have been celebrating Black History Month at Cabot across the week.  In year 6 we looked at the significance of Pero's Bridge in Bristol.  As part of our learning we researched and wrote a biography for John Pinney (an 18th/19th Century sugar merchant and slave owner responsible for bringing Pero Jones to Bristol).  Also, we used the iPads to make a tourist guide to Pero's Bridge. Below are some examples:

Mama Africa 3.10.14

This Friday (3.10.14) we started a new project 'Mama Africa'.  Over the coming few weeks we will be exploring the music, dance and culture of Africa.  Year 6 will have the opportunity to research, write and perform music and dance relating to the topics.  We will add more photos and learning as the project progresses!