Friday, 11 December 2015

11.12.15 - La Petite Poule Rouge - assembly

This morning year 6 had the opportunity to show their talent for French speaking by performing 'La Petite Poule Rouge' (The Little Red Hen) in whole school assembly.  Thank you Madame Cartilage for all your excellent teaching this term!

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

9.12.15 RoboGals Coding Workshop

This afternoon year 6 participated in a workshop run by 'RoboGals' - led by engineering students from Bristol University.  During the workshop, we worked in partnership to design a program which was exported to a robot, which then carried out the algorithm.  It was great to make links with the coding work we have been doing in our computing sessions, using Scratch, to support us to program robots!

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Our Willow Pattern Plates

Our plates have now been fired (see previous post for the making process).  The finished product is a plate than can be used as a plate or as a decorative item to have in our homes:

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Birds of Prey Visit 5.11.15

We had another visit from Mike and his Welsh birds of prey.  Just as last time, the children were fascinated by these amazing animals.  It was very exciting for all, especially those lucky children who had a chance to hold some of the birds.

Monday, 19 October 2015

18.10.15 Visit to city museum and flying saucers pottery workshop

Year 6 enjoyed a fantastic visit to Bristol Museum and Art Gallery and also had the opportunity to paint the willow pattern they have been studying onto ceramic plates.  As well as having a variety of European and Eastern ceramics, the museum hosts a wide range of different galleries including the natural world, fossils, art and the ancient Egyptians.
After half term the fired plates will be return to school ready for the pupils to take home!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

12.10.15 Designing our willow pattern plates

On the 19th October

Year 6 will be painting a plate in the style of  'Willow Pattern' ceramics.  We are focusing on the Willow Pattern as, although an English pattern, it is heavily influenced by Ancient Chinese patterns, which links to our topic.  In preparation for the trip each pupil in Year 6 has designed a pattern on a paper plate.  This will save time on the day so we focus on getting the design painted onto a ceramic plate.  The Year 6s will be able to take their real plate home, once it has been fired (heated to a high temperature in a special oven called a kiln).  Firing the plate will make it stronger and 'fix' the painted deign in place meaning it can be used like a normal plate.